Amendments to GEMs Act forecast

With no notification, the government this month (June 2023) put a bill to parliament to amend the GEMs Act. AREMA will review the amendments, but in the meantime, the explanatory memorandum which describes the changes in plain English can be accessed here. In good news for AREMA members, the definition of sale has been amended […]

GWP limit to be placed on refrigerants in split systems from 1 July 2024

The director of the Ozone and Climate Protection Section in the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Patrick McInerney has advised AREMA that the Minister for the Environment and Water, the Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, intends to implement restrictions on small air conditioning equipment with high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant. From […]

Get ready for AREMA annual dinner 19 October 2023

Details on registrations and timings will be announced in due course, but members and friends of AREMA are urged to put the date in your diary and make a booking as soon as registration details are available.

New directions for Nationwide House Energy Scheme (NatHERS)

The government has announced that it would expand and upgrade the NatHERS rating system to apply to existing homes, and work with banks to trial energy performance rating tools for existing homes with property valuers. RapidRate, a new pilot program between CSIRO and CoreLogic Australia, was also announced. (New home energy efficiency ratings powered by […]

The future:gas Roadshow wants speakers

The call has gone out for speakers for the 2023 future:gas seminar roadshow, a series of industry-supported refrigerant education events aimed at those working in the air-conditioning sector. Topics to be covered include: A few things to note: Dates and more details Lodge your interest in becoming a speaker

Guide to help manage phase out of expanded polystyrene

The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation has released a quick guide and action plan to support relevant businesses with their phase out of business-to-consumer expanded polystryrene (EPS). EPS packaging is lightweight, durable and thermally efficient, but it represents a number of challenges that need to be addressed. EPS is one of the most common materials found […]

Roadmap for phase-out of EPS packaging

This roadmap for expanded polystyrene (EPS) sets out a voluntary, industry-led approach to address the environmental impacts associated with business to consumer EPS packaging in Australia. The roadmap has been developed to meet expectations of governments and other stakeholders. DOWNLOAD THE ROADMAP

Deadline soon for responses to heat pump ISO standards changes

Standards Australia has received the attached proposal for the Modified Adoptions of ISO 19967.2:2019 Heat pump water heaters – Testing and rating for performance – Part 2: Heat pump water heaters for space heating and ISO 21978:2021 Heat pump water heater – Testing and rating at part load conditions and calculation of seasonal coefficient of performance for space heating. AREMA member deadlines […]

AREMA annual dinner photographs

The AREMA Annual Dinner 2022 was held on Thursday 17 November at The Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, 140 George Street, Sydney, overlooking the spectacular Sydney Harbour. Photographs of the event are available through this link Click on each pic to enlarge and there is a download button at the top of the page

December 18 deadline for submissions on NZ gas measures

New Zealand’s Ministry for the Environment has released its proposed measures to reduce the environmental impact of fluorinated gases. This document contains details of several previously announced policies that aim to reduce the unnecessary use of these gases and promote appropriate handling and disposal. The government is inviting feedback to the options set out in […]