Tribute to Patrick McInerney – a champion

Australia’s enviable record in the environmental management of refrigerants can be attributed to a unique collaboration between government and industry, a relationship fostered and encouraged by Patrick McInerney in his role as director in the Australian Government’s Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

His thoughtful advice and leadership ran from running meetings of all 198 Montreal Protocol countries to discussions with just a few tradies dealing with the impact of refrigerants on the environment.

He helped invigorate industry groups to fight for a cleaner world.

Patrick became the champion of what Australian industry was capable of delivering in this fight.

In his own, quiet way, he worked to forge probably one of this country’s strongest bonds between government and industry, working together on a range of issues.

Patrick represented Australia on many international forums and working groups and has been credited with shaping the 2016 Kigali Amendment which is now guiding the environmental destinies of many countries. He received a Federal Public Service Medal for his outstanding work in protecting the ozone layer and the climate system.

Patrick McInerny’s impact will be remembered with admiration and affection by all in our industry.

[Picture credit: ABC)
